Tuesday 8 March 2011

About her....

There Was a day i was in darkness, there were no lights around me. I was Hunting for the light and i Prayed to GOD, "Please help me to find the right path of light so that, i should not fall for the darkness again". for months i was finding, until one day i saw a light from far. I started to walk to the light and i found a way out from the darkness. But there was a Worry in me, is this the right light which i followed?    
Is that the right light????

I was worried about it, but i told myself that, whatever it is, i will make sure GOD's WILL must take place in MY LIFE... As time Passes i saw many things took place in my life, i see changes in me through the LIGHT... So i TOLD GOD, "GOD THANK YOU FOR THE LIGHT THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME!!!!" .  Until know i surrender the LIGHT to GOD. Now I'm Happy With The Light,  Which GOD has chosen for me..... 

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5-6

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